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Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Love Poison?



我的朋友个个都说我中毒了,哈哈。。。我想也是了!很可惜,这个毒来得真是太迟了。再过两个星期又是我的生死关头了,可是现在我偏偏又没有心情读书,测验又不理想,真是很郁闷!但是,我知道我得开始读书了,不然前路只会是一条死路。在这种极其恶劣--前无去路,后无退路的劣境,我只好尽全力地跟它拼了。Let the bygone be the bygone!



昨天放学回家,我就赶紧赶完devil woman的练习,但是并不成功。也不管了啦,马上去洗澡梳洗!大概在五点钟,我便一切准备就绪。正当我要出门时,阿嫲就告诉我说我老豆发现车轮泄气了!好像被钉子刺到。我当下就愣了一下。哎,也不管三七二十一了,冲下楼去看个究竟!轮胎真的漏气了!哎,只好骑摩托车赴会了!我还特地骑去老豆的公司问他修理好了没有,看是否会有奇迹出现,不过事与愿违。只好致电给Princess,问她介意坐我的摩托吗?有头盔吗?她都一一答应了!过后,就飞奔去赴会!Haiz,如果阿嫲早点告诉我就好啦,我可以自己去修理嘛!何必等待老豆去呢?

一路上还算顺风顺水的,可是一到Gurney就开始飘小雨!不过还ok,只是几滴雨而已。直到Tanjung Bungah的马来kampung开始就下起了雨来!Swt lo!还好我有带jacket,便用jacket挡雨直到Caltex油站,我也顺道打油。之后呢,雨开始小了,我真高兴上天这样眷顾我,毕竟让Princess淋雨我可是会心疼的!



aL帮我拿了两杯Nescafe,我就把其中一杯递给Princess,喝完后,她还会把杯递回给我。真厉害,还会要我帮她丢。可是,Ninja will always complete Princess's orders!



突然,她想起可以去Tanjung Bungah的巴刹吃云吞面。她说她常跟她的表哥及朋友去那儿吃,而且还开到深夜的!很可惜,我并不熟悉Tanjung Bungah的路,就要她带路。她还“酸”我是不是槟城人。哈哈。到了那巴刹,我才发现我知道那巴刹的,因为以前我曾经随海丽在那工作过!不过我没有告诉Princess。哇!天意弄人,竟然今天早收。老板说星期二早收的,只到十点钟而已!没办法啦,只好去Gurney吃咯。


她告诉我要教我走捷径,哈哈。其实那条捷径不就是我每天上课的必经之路吗?原本我想要在她临回前与她再度合照的,但一到她家,她就下车了,和我道别后就回家了。临别前,我还吩咐她有事记得call我。贴心吗?哈哈。。。我还特地地目送她安全进入租屋范围才带着依依不舍的心情离开。看,去哪里找像我这么贴心的人?Lolz,真是自夸!不好意思啊!回家的路上,我才发现Princess的free gift还遗留在我的摩托。哎呀,怎么忘了交给她呢?真是疏忽!



Yesterday,I was lucky to know that my overall English coursework was A-.That means I have to get around 84 marks for my final exam to get an A,otherwise 4 flat will not belong to me again.I was glad to know that I got an A for my group presentation.Hey,it could not be what!I felt my individual presentation was much more better than my group presentation leh!Then how come my individual presentation just B+?Something must be going wrong with the devil woman!Haha,forget it la!Now my coursework was A-.Luckily was A-,otherwise I would have a "man talk" with the devil woman.Haha.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Beneficial Shock!!!

Haha,my Princess sms me today.This was out of my expectation although I had been looking forward to her sms for quite a long time!

Last Wednesday,I officially asked for her handphone number and we exchanged our cell phone numbers as well.During the week,I had sent her 3 sms but she didn't reply me since her mobile phone had expired already.Lolz.She said she would ask her mom to reload when she was back to her hometown during the weekends.

Actually,during Saturday,I was frustrating about whether to sms her or not but I was also scared that she would repel me because she had told me that she enjoyed her single life,she liked freedom temporarily.Therefore,I cannot too rush otherwise we even cannot be friend.

This evening,as I was busy playing Facebook,she sms me.She told me that she had bought biscuits and her class representative didn't change the date for Quantitative Studies test.Haha.I know you are feeling weird that why she tell me she has bought biscuits leh?Lolz.This was because one day,she told me that she was hungry.That time already 8:30pm but she still hadn't had her dinner!You know,I hope I can buy her dinner but we know each other for a week only,so it is not nice to do so!So,I suggested her to eat biscuits first since she needed her friends to fetch her for dinner but her friends were Dota crazies!She couldn't find biscuits in her hostel.Thus,from that day onwards,I keep reminding her to buy biscuits in case this kind of problem happens.I am worried that she can get gastric!You know,gastric is a very suffered disease!

Then,we sms to each other until the late midnight.Haha,luckily my sms are free of charge ones otherwise really cost much!lolz.As usual,she was lazy to study and I had to dissuade her to study for her own good.She said I was really like her mum,like to show our wagging tongue!Haha,why I had to be so "ngam ngam cham cham"?This is because I care you,I mind you and I love you,Princess!Anyway,she finally raised her white flag and studied her QS.Haha,this was the first time I won her!Everytime when there is argument in our colloquy,I sure lose to her one.I don't know whether I am too soft-hearted or I really lose to her.Haha,you know,my talking skill is not bad one ma!

Monday, 15 December 2008

Devil woman

Are you interested to know who is the 1 I call her as devil woman?Certainly,right?She is my English lecturer--Miss Cheng!Why I am so impolite,call her like that?Here are the reasons:

The devil woman praised me for my individual English presentation.She said my presentation was good,my voice was loud enough but my style just a little bit girlish.My overall presentation was the 1 she wanted.Not bad ma,this was a remarkable comment!I thought my grade would be excellent!

Unfortunately,when I looked at my grade last Thursday,I was shocked as I just managed to get B+.Some of my classmates who didn't perform well for instance,not fluent,forgot the points and so on,she gave them B+ and A-.Walao,why she gave them so high grade but just gave the 1 whom she had a great impression so low the grade.Her act was just like feeding me honey.As I was going to close my mouth to enjoy the honey,she quickly took away the honey.Haiz.Devil woman,if you are not willing to give me high grade,please don't give me hope!You are so cruel!Hurt me so much!I hate you,damn you!My Princess asked me not to give up easily and just discuss with her again to check what was going wrong!Luckily,my Princess dissuade me,otherwise you die!Devil woman!

The other reason I hate her is she looked like doesn't want to teach and penalize the boys.She is not good in teaching,always uses Manglish for example,lah,loh,leh...Sweat,why you teach me Manglish?I want proper English!Devil woman!

First Eye Contact

Monday,yes Monday.I had been looking forward to the arrival of Monday for 2 days.This is because today,I can meet my Princess and chat with her as well.

I had not been chatting with my Princess via msn for 2 days.She went back to her hometown on last Saturday and just back today.These 2 days,I missed her so much and couldn't chat with her as her mum refused her to apply streamyx or other broadbands.She said she was the only 1 who used the online service at home since her sister was not living with them.

This morning,I went to lecture hall to attend Quantitative Studies lecture but today was so special because my god sister still hadn't adjourned her lecture yet.Normally,she would dismiss her lecture 10 minutes earlier.So,I thought this was my opportunity.Haha.I went to toilet with my friends.After we finished our "business",we went back to take our bags.At this moment,I saw the driver.The driver is my Princess's cousin.Haha,syiok lo!I saw him waiting outside the lecture hall.I didn't bother him,took my bag and got ready to enter DKB.

I saw my Princess was talking with her cousin,I was worried.I couldn't decide whether to talk to her or not?I took up my guts and passed through in front of her.As I noticed that she was staring at me,I said "hi" to greet her and she greeted me as well.At this moment,we had our first direct eye contact.Even though it was just a few seconds but I already satisfied.Actually,we could chat but I insisted to get into DKB to find me a seat as other students normally would take away the seat that I used to sit.Never mind la,we still have time.Besides,we almost will chat every night unless for the nights when she is at her hometown.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008















Monday, 1 December 2008

First Blood

Last night was my first time to chat with my Princess.By right,this should be carried out on Friday but because of the "black luck"as stated in "A Black Week",I just managed to chat with her last night.

Actually,I was going to watch Manchester City vs Manchester United football match.Somehow,I found that my Princess was online.Therefore I took up my guts to chat with her.Luckily,she didn't suspect me and our colloquy was quite smooth and enjoyable.

I was so happy last night due to my first blood and Manchester United managed to win in the derby match.Unfortunately,I sicked.I had a serious cold and fever."Steaming" all the day.But I still felt extremely excited because I could chat with my Princess.

I knew that my Princess needed to resit for Business Statistics paper.She said she would score if she didn't lazy to study and didn't skip class.She also asked me to teach her as well so that she could pass.Oh,it is my pleasure to help you,Princess.

I also knew that she still hadn't submit her outline for English presentation.So,I decided to help her.Her topic is "Foreign Worker".I intentionally ignored the football match to help her searching for some relevant information.I also promised to help her to elaborate the points after she had discussed the points with her teammates today.

No matter what is your order,Princess,as long as the order is from Princess,Ninja is ready to accomplish it.

Friday, 28 November 2008

A Black Week

This week was a black week to me.This is because on Monday,my parents' car was hit by a motorcyclist.The evidence was a Proton Perdana whose car number was PGF 6239 was going to turn right to get into my college compound but as it did so,it hit a motorcycle and the motorcyclist couldn't control his motorcycle and lost balance so he hit my side mirror.My side mirror was cracked into few pieces and my door had 1 scratch.

This incidence was told by a college mate(girl)whom I didn't recognize.She told me that the motorcyclist ran away without pausing but he was believed to be seriously injured.She also told me that the motorcycle was blue and white in colour.She asked me to seek for the guard who knew the whole incidence.I did so with Anthony.The guard was an Indian who could speak Hokkien very well.I spoke Hokkien to him due to my lousy English.Haha,embarrassing.He said he didn't know the motorcyclist but he had recorded the car's number.He also asked the car owner to get down to check for the motorcyclist but the owner refused to do so.I got the car number from him and I headed to Administration Office because the car had the college's sticker so the car must have been registered.I was not sure whether the Administration staff(Mr.Kenny)was busy or he was hesitated to help me to check for the car owner.He kept on asking me to find him later.Walao ei,my class ended already,I couldn't wait leh!So I went back and decided to find him on Wednesday.

On Tuesday,I had 1 gathering,that was playing badminton.I was assigned to lead my classmates to the badminton court because they were from other states.Unfortunately,that day was raining like cats and dogs.Initially I decided to fetch Chin Kee to lead them with me by my motorcycle but it rained,my plan broke.Chin Kee called me and offered to bring me there by his car.We went there together.It stopped to rain at Padang Tembak.We waited them at PCGHS.Finally they came.I got into Mun Yee's car to lead them instead of getting into Kee's car.As we were arriving at the mosque,we met Zu Meng who ride a motorcycle.He threw his thing into our car except his wallet.Unluckily,as the traffic light turned green,his motorcycle suddenly failed to start(死火).He asked us to go first.We also didn't bother him and head to the destination.Lo and behold,we realized that Zu Meng didn't bring along his hp which was left in our car.So,we started to worry.

When we arrived at the badminton court,it still rained.But,Zu Meng and Chin Kee didn't come yet.Chin Kee should have been arrived since he had overtook us when we arrived at Union Secondary School.We were worried about Chin Kee and Zu Meng.We started to call Kee.He said he was on his way to here.Just now he went back to his house to have his lunch.Unfortunately,he lost his car's key and he searched the whole house and along the road which he had passed to buy his food.So,when he arrived at the badminton court,it was already 3.45pm.

Back to Zu Meng's story.Luckily,he could start his motorcycle after we left him behind but he couldn't follow us.He simply followed the road boards and went to Penang Hill and then Ayer Itam and then S.J.K.(C).Kong Min Cawangan II.He was smart as he knew to ask people about the destination of badminton court.He managed to arrived at 3.10pm but his entire body was wet.Fortunately Liang Yee got bring a spare shirt and he borrowed the shirt to Zu Meng.I asked Zu Meng why he wanted to ride the motorcycle since Chun Kuang or Mun Yee's cars still had a lot of empty spaces.He said that he had borrowed the motorcycle from his friend and decided to ride to the badminton court while enjoying Penang's scenes.Haha,how silly he was!

On Wednesday,I headed to Administration Office once I arrived at college.Mr.Kenny managed to find me only the car owner's name and he wanted me to check for the car owner's details in Admission Office.Walao ei, so mahuan and so many procedures.I did so.Before I went to Admission Office,I met Ms.Theresa,she asked me to inform my class that this day's tutorial was cancelled due to emergency case.I assigned Anthony to do so.The Admission Office's "sui zai" was extremely "yong sui".He asked me why I wanted to check the car owner and he seemed didn't believe me that I was the victim.He asked me for the police report.Hey man,it was just a small case,did I need to make a police report?He checked it out with the Admin Office and the guard and he eventually help me to check but unfortunately he couldn't find the guy whom Mr.Kenny gave me.He asked me to confirmed with Mr.Kenny again.I went to Admin Office but Mr.Kenny searched his name list and the name was correct.I went to Admission Office again and the "sui zai" once again failed to search for the car owner and he called Mr.Kenny to check for me again and I once again needed to walk to Admin Office.Mr.Kenny asked me to find him later because he needed to check for the car owner's name from the registration forms.

I had no idea and no choice.I went to study room to wait for the result.When I was in study room,my classmates were already waiting for my poker.They played poker and I suddenly realized that there were name lists on the notice board at the corridor of the labs.I ran to there to check but unluckily,I failed to find him as the name lists were limited to Year 1 students only.I walked back to Admin Office,and this time,Mr.Kenny found the real name.It was Cheoh Kheng Haur but not what he gave me just now--Cheah Kheng Haur.I straight away went to Admission Office.The "sui zai" found his details but just limited to his name,his home phone number and his course.He asked me to find Ms.Ong in Admin Office to find more of his details.Once again,I walked back to Admin Office and found Ms.Ong for help.She was able to found his tutorial group and his schedule or time table for that day.He was from DEM--Investment and Marketing.Tutorial group was Y2M26,no wonder I couldn't find him in the name lists.

After that,I found my god sister in staff office and told her everything that happened to me this week and I asked her the reason for the cancellation of Theresa's lesson as well.She told me that Theresa's grandmother had passed away after seriously sicked for quite a long time.Oh my condolence.In the afternoon,I waited the car owner in front of his classroom.But he was late.I found that he was searching for parking lot downstairs so I rushed down to block him without waiting for Anthony and Kee.As I was rushing down,I met my Princess who dressed formally on that day because she had presentation later.She was so pretty as usual.Haha.As I was arriving at downstairs,I found that the car was stopping at DKA's parking lot.I rushed to there to ask for his explanation.As what my sis told me before,students from this group were野蛮.It was true.He looked like want to beat me up but he couldn't scare me as I was not too coward too.I used to fight when I was 2-5 years old.Now growing bigger already so I try to be gentleman.He said that that day he had lighted his signal.So I couldn't claim from him since he was right.He told me that he was searching for the motorcyclist as well.At night,aL asked me not to meet those guys alone,at least need 2 to 5 people accompany me.I know,thanks aL.No next time,I promise.

On Thursday,I thought that my Princess would be attending the lectures with me for 4 hours consecutively but she had gone back after Theresa's lesson.Thus,I just attended the account lecture with my friends.So lonely!May be she was going to"林宇中签唱会".Then,I decided to chat with her at night.I online till 10:00pm though I had been exhausted but she didn't online.Haiz!!!

On Friday,today was the day that I planned to chat with my Princess.I noticed that she was online when I online but I didn't bother her since I needed to check for my mails,SoccerManager,AsianBookie,Facebook and Friendster.After that,I had my dinner.When I was ready to chat with her at around 7:30pm,she had offline.Haiz,no chance to chat with her.But I still hadn't relinquish since she might be going out to have her dinner.Therefore I waited her but she still didn't online.Haiz,fate...fate,where were you?

Thursday, 20 November 2008






Thanks and Sorry

This post is specially written to thank and say sorry to my Princess.

First and foremost, she has been studying with me in DKB (thursday lessons only) for 2 weeks. I am very glad to have this opportunity to study with her. The lessons are Business Information System and Application and Fundamentals of Accounting. Thank you so much for studying with me for 4 hours, Princess, I love you!

On the other hand, you are too suffered, Princess. This is because you have a lesson before these lessons. So, you are studying 6 hours in a row without a proper break. You even can't have a proper lunch, just having biscuits or breads for lunch. Could you stand it? If you feel suffered, just go back to rest, I don't need your sacrifice, what I want is to make you to be the happiest Princess in the world! Sorry, Princess, I promise will treat you whole-heartedly.

Monday, 10 November 2008


Today,I was very nervous because I got English presentation.This was not because I didn't prepare,it just was I was worried that my presentation couldn't reach 5 minutes.Luckily,everything was over already and I felt that my presentation was quite good.Maybe this is because Beatrice Xu was concerning my presentation and helping me!Thanks a lot Beatrice,you are my angel forever and I will inherit your spirit.

After having my dinner,as usual,I online.I was excited because my Princess had added me in Friendster after adding me in Facebook.Everything is following my plan.I was delighted to see my Princess stated her as single.That means I still have the chance to become her Ninja.From her profile,I notice that she has a very closed girl friend until the friend calls my Princess "darling".Walao leh,how come she calls my Princess "darling" leh?Are they lesbians?I hope not,otherwise it will be a nightmare to me!

Besides viewing her profile,I also downloaded her photos and then uploaded them to my Multiply account.I know that my act is terrible and dishonest but this is the only way to cure my illness---missing my Princess.Haha!From the photos,I could find out a few things,that were she liked to hang out with friends,she liked to take photos(自拍),and I finally knew her real name.Not as what I had stated before,TTS,it is THY.In addition,I also found that she was from SK,no wonder this whole afternoon,I couldn't find her in Jit Sin school's graduation magazine.

Since she loves to take pictures,I hope that next time I can have a picture with her!So,now everything is under my expectation,thus my next step is to add her in msn so that we can know each other well but as what I have stated before,I don't want to be too rush!

These few days,I was so dull and Princess was the only motivation for me to pass through these dull days.Unfortunately,today I couldn't meet her as I was late to lecture hall.Actually this was not my fault because when I reached at lecture hall,it was just 10.53am.I couldn't meet her because my god sister dismissed the class earlier!Anyway,I am sure that I can meet her within this week and everything hopes for the best!

Saturday, 8 November 2008


今天,我开始背我的English Oral,因为下个星期一,我可能会“中选”,被迫提前present。所以,以防万一,我今天就“开工”。大概用了半个小时,我就背完了!






Friday, 7 November 2008




Tuesday, 4 November 2008



此外,我还从报章中看到一张林依晨与许玮伦昔日的合照,真是十分感触!你们知道吗,我msn的personal message所写的,就是对玮伦的怀念,须知道,以前,除了Cyndi与玮伦的戏之外,其余的我一律都不屑一看!看到玮伦的照片,我顿时醒悟了!我知道我现在没有时间了,我要开始读书了,不然我的4 Flats 都只会是空头说白话!


A Memorable Day

今天,我终于等到我引颈长盼的Princess approved我了。



Monday, 3 November 2008

A High Day

Today is so special to me.Today is my lucky day.Why?This is because I eventually meet my Princess today after failing to meet her last week,even 1 day.It was this morning,around 10:50am.I was heading to DKB which is my lecture hall.I know that my Princess is attending the class every Monday,her class is just before my class.But I had never met her on Monday before, but today,I made it.As I was getting into the lecture hall,she came out.I thought she didn't notice me,so I went near her so that I could know what is the difference in height between her and me.I was delighted that I am finally taller than her,haha!Her height is around till my ear.Not bad la.I am happy because what had I done during last sem break was not wasted!I finally grow taller,no wonder nowadays I found that Anthony and aL are no longer too tall to me,lolz.And,when I went near her to measure height,I accidentally hit her bag,haha.I hoped she didn't notice this,otherwise shameful to me.

Last Saturday,my student leader found me via msn.As usual,he still hadn't recognized me but we also chatted quite well.He suddenly asked me to add him in Facebook.I did so but I lo be hold clicked to view his friends and profile.I noticed that he had few friends but the most important thing was I found my Princess in his friend list.I added her but until now she still hadn't confirmed me.Never mind,I have time and I will wait for you,Princess.Since Facebook does not allow people to view one's profile before he or she approves you,so I can't view my Princess's profile yet.But from the profile name displayed,the name is not the name that I was thinking previously,it is totally different.What la,how can I be like that,love her but don't know her name.So sweat lo.But this doesn't matter because once she confirms me,I will add her in my msn,then I will have a great time with her.But I am also worried that I would find that she states her as in a relationship,married or engaged.Haiz.You know,since I added her and found that I am taller than her,I feel that our distance is narrowed and I become more confident whenever I meet her.I hope I could get closer to her through msn and I don't intend to delude her because she is my Princess and I am her Ninja!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

A Disappointed Day

Yesterday was the day of announcement for 1st sem results.Unfortunately,I couldn't achieve my goal,I failed to get 4 flats.

The most unbelievable thing was,I got A- for my English paper but not Business Information Technology and Application,Hubungan Etnik or Microeconomics which were the subjects that I was not confident enough to score.

A- for my English paper was out of my expectation and the most silly thing was I didn't know where or which part in the paper was going wrong.Essay not good enough?I don't think so because the essay that I wrote was the 1 that I wrote last year in SPM.I did mistakes in comprehension?Maybe yes it was but I was also quite confident to score in this part.So,where was going wrong?

I visited my grandpa in the afternoon,I told my disappointment to him but he tried his best to convince me that my result was good but just not excellent.Haha,he was right,actually my result was not bad,it just not excellent.Actually I didn't care whether I could get 4 flats or not,I just cared that I could maintain my CGPA or not!So,now my CGPA is 3.9605,I have to maintain at least 3.85 for it within these 2 years.Hopefully I can do it and I am sure that I can do it!

Sunday, 5 October 2008


Sorry to all supporters,long time didn't update my blog,really sorry for that.Actually I had written a blog on September,it is about politics but my lovely grandpa worried about my safety,so he asked me to delete it.He worried that I could be caught under ISA.

After the final exam,I had a sem break.It was about 2 weeks but if we subtracted the holidays for Hari Raya,it was just about 1 week time.Haiz,before the sem break,I am looking forward to it,this might because i was busying and frustrating to prepare for my final exam.The exam was not as difficult as I thought but it was quite challenging.However I believed that I could handle it.I just worried about my Business Information and Technology, Hubungan Etnik and Microeconomics,others still OK.After half year not in the exam mood or took any exam,I felt pretty nervous on the 1st day of the exam,so I didn't performed well.This annoyed me!For your information,I am not competing with people but with marks to maintain my scholarship.I want to maintain at least 3.85 for my CGPA so that I can continue my full scholarship for my advanced diploma.

After the exam,I started to carry out my plan to make my sem break more exciting.I play basketball with friends almost everyday because I want to be taller and stronger.After I met my Princess,I suddenly felt like I was not tall enough so I decided to play basketball to grow taller.Even though basketball is not my favourite since I cannot score but now I like it as I can score and because of the motivation to be taller so that I can be taller than my Princess.My Princess is a very tall girl,she is not shorter nor taller than me.So I have to be taller so that we can be a perfect match!

My second plan is to buy me a present for the effort that I had paid for the exam.I bought myself an analog watch in night market.During that day,my cousin came back from KL together with her bf,Jeff.So I fetched them to the night market as well.

我的第三计划就是去观音亭烧香,I made it。在我还未去拜拜时,全身都不舒服,好像还有什么东东还未办。拜完后,全身都松了!本来还要去海边吹风的,但最后因为我还要去我最疼爱的外公那儿,所以就cancel了。

第四个计划就是去打羽毛球。So long time didn't play already,so my hand quite itchy,but I also played once with Jin Siang and Tet Hien。我们因为三缺一,所以就打single,我发现我的体能增强了,因为打完球后,非但没有气喘,而且还可以说笑。

第五个计划则是去清观寺,也就是所谓的千二层去酬谢九皇大帝。原因为我去年曾求过他们保佑我考取好成绩,如今实现了,就要遵守诺言去拜谢神恩。可是这次的路程却没有去年的“爽”。事关去年是大好天气,还有一位相当够资格当我女朋友的女生。不过,这回却是下雨天。还好,这雨是在我上到山顶时才下的,不然就既扫兴,又难逃落汤鸡一劫了!今年的香钱起价了,从原本的RM3起到RM4。在清观寺,I saw many couples。我也遇见ex-Bomba members--Chew Kok Wei and his brother,Chew Kok Jin with his gf。另外我到清观寺的原因还有搜寻妖怪的行踪。Deng Deng Deng Deng!感兴趣了吧!







这就是我的假期计划,虽然美中不足,不能全部完成,不过也相当满意了!明天又要开课了,不知又会有什么挑战,不过我整个人都refresh了,简直就像全新的人一样。I am ready!

Thursday, 7 August 2008




其实,我阿姐也一直鼓励我去捐血,只是没有朋友的陪伴,不能立志去搞定它罢了!不过,今天终于可以实现了。一到那儿,只见人山人海。我跟同伴们一起排队去验血型。由于队伍好长好长,我们也只好聊天打发时间。这时,遇到我的student leader也来凑热闹!他说他是好人,所以要来救人。哈哈,他是好人?不错啦!只是有点油腔舌调,狡猾了一些罢了!

我们闹啊闹的,很快就轮到我们验血了!我的血型是O +ve 的,血压是130/80cmHg,haemoglobin/haemocue 则是16.9gm/dl。我问医生这样是好或坏,他说正常均为12-18。他一看我就告诉我我的一定超过15.5,果真被他猜中了,果然是老教!

轮到我捐血时,我满是担忧的,因为我不知道疼不疼啊?会是怎么样的感觉呢?幸亏,帮我抽血的是一位经验丰富,年届五十多的马来护士。她蠻nice 的!还会跟我说笑!而她也从我身上学会了一句福建话,那就是“冇痛”。

期间,aL帮我录影,幼利也在跟我谈天。我们说说笑笑的,很快便捐完了一包300ml的血!替我拔针的护士可是要了我的老命啊!她看起来也不年轻了啊,理应有经验了啊。怎知,她竟然一窍不通,还要问对面床的男护士。还说她lupa了,真是让我捏一把冷汗!所幸,另一位老教的马来护士前来提点。听清楚哦,是提点哦!不是动手哦!她帮我松掉量血压的包裹,但并没有帮我把针给拔出来,已经要收拾血压包裹,还要我自行举起手来。唉!针都还没有拔出来,我举手时会动摇到针的嘛,then我告诉她sakit,她连忙向我说sorry,我也只好回她tak apa。好让她不要紧张,不然我的命不知道还会持续多久?终于,血捐完了,“手信”也拿了。手信有一张空的CD-R,一罐水,一包零食,一张cert,一支pen,两包补血的药丸以及一本捐血记录簿!


Tuesday, 5 August 2008



Haiz,我不久前单恋一位女生。哈哈。男人老狗,一到18就发"hao"!她条件不错,有身材,有美貌。。。连一向左嫌右嫌的我在看见她时也觉得她简直无瑕疵!赞!她就是"Is It She"的女主角啦! 本来,我尚能按捺住我的情绪,怎知我上三个礼拜居然梦见她。哇,天意弄人!

梦境是如此的:梦境地点相当复杂。起初是我家楼下。当时,她正要骑一辆不知谁谁人的Honda EX5,而潜意识告诉我她没有驾照,也不懂骑摩托车。于是,我就握住摩托把手企图劝止她那么做。事与愿违,她开动了引擎,我也只好稍微松手,好让她安全上路。怎知,她一转油,整辆摩托就往前冲。哎呀,一号档是最有力的嘛!还转那么多油干嘛!整辆摩托往前一冲,撞上了benteng,连人带车一同翻了。我见状,赶紧冲向前去拉起摩托,stand好,然后扶她起身。好怕她腿会受伤甚至断了呢!幸亏,只是皮肉伤罢了,我帮她拍打双腿及双手的沙粒,之后就牵着她的手腕离开现场,因为有一个类似成峰的家伙在一旁看热闹。我们走呀走,经过一道门时,我问她,需要告诉她的男朋友吗?她给了我一个令我满是欢喜的答案。她说她没有男朋友。哇!是上天故意安排的吗?这时,我的手就顺势往下握,我牵住她的手掌咯!她也没有反抗,那是表示她默认了我是他的另一半吗?我问她:“可以当我的女朋友吗?”她点头。哈哈,爽死我了,这就是我期待的!我牵着她上楼梯,遇见我的大佬--俞辰。我好高兴,想跟全世界分享这个喜讯。我对她说:“这是我的大佬,叫林俞辰!”,又对大佬说:“这是我的女朋友,叫。。。”遭了,我竟然忘了问她叫什么名字。我反过去问她叫什么名字,她竟然闹别扭,转身就走。我慌了,一手把她抱住,她才止住了脚步,告诉我她的名字是“前面”。开玩笑吧,哪有人名叫“前面”的!这时,一阵冷风把我给吹醒了!
Haiz,多么不想醒啊!可是却偏偏的醒了,没有办法,赶紧再度入睡,好让我继续我的美梦。但,我再也梦不回刚才的梦了!So sad!

我知道她跟我的一个朋友同班,因为我曾经碰见他们在study room讨论assignment.因此我断定他们是同班的,而我却知道我的朋友是Y1M10的,因此,过几天,我就和Anthony一起去查个究竟!我查看Y1M10的名单,发现一个名字好熟悉。Tan T.S。我很肯定那是她的名字,因为我记得有“仙”这个音的!




我决定放弃。放弃书包时代的恋情!天意弄人,我昨天又碰见她,我用过餐后,on the way to study room,我碰见她,她的朋友及那位司机。她尴尬的走过我身旁。因为,之前恺伦大叫我的名字。Haiz,我在食堂才告诉他不要再提起她,也不要干涉我们之间的事情,让我一个人平静地解决我内心的痛楚,怎知他竟然当作是耳边风!还好思进在我身旁,我借他过桥,在她经过我身边时跟思进说我明天就可以交assignment给他!Haiz!!!

这段日子,学院正在欢庆七夕节。人人都把他们的爱意写在“告白榜”上,有些甚至送花。。。我也和aL凑凑热闹,也写了两句留言:“My heart belongs to U.无法想象失去你的日子。”我真的希望她看得见,但我恐怕她找不到那个字条,毕竟我没有写我俩的全名!


Saturday, 12 July 2008








Sunday, 6 July 2008

Is it she?

When I 1st saw her in TARc, I felt something weird in my heart! Why? What was that? So unfamiliar feeling.

Is she my Mrs.Right? She is the most attractive girl to me in TARc. I decided to approach her but things would never flow so smoothly, there are usually 2 friends surrounded her. So , how can I approach her? Somebody please tell me what should I do.

I told my friends about her, hopefully they might know her and get me her email address. Therefore I would hv a chance to interact with her via msn messenger. Then maybe we could develop into next stage.

I remembered that day we played water game. Boys were chosen to take part in all the games that involved water. So most of our name tags were passed to her in order to keep them for us so that they wouldn't get wet to prevent rusting. After playing the games, we found her to get back our name tags, mine 1 was the last 1, actually I would like to chat with her but there were too many team members around us and we were rushing to the next station, so the chance was missed! What a miss!!!

The 3rd day, it was sports day and variety shows day. During lunch time, she exactly was sitting opposite to me with the same table. I chatted with Kuang Ming and Wei Ping, hopefully I could attract her attention. I intentionally talked something funny and interesting so that she could join our colloquy then I would hv a chance to show my best in front of her, but she never joint our conversation, juz smiled and enjoyed our talk. Second chance missed again.

Why? I had taken an initiative. Why you didn't give me a chance?

Every time I saw her, my heart would give rise to a weird feeling. But it would not happen when she was not around me. How strange the feeling is!

Last Friday, that was 4th Jul, additional class for Microeconomics. I saw her again, of course, that strange feeling disturbed me again! I wanted to chase her to "investigate" where is she living or she went home by what kind of transportation. Once again, the God was playing a fool with me, I met Li Ching I think.

She was the 1 whom I was so embarrassed whenever I met her because of Albert who is my class representative. Albert told her that I said she is pretty and since that, she was trying her best to find me, maybe she was curious about the guy who praise her like that or she juz wanted to thank me for that. Frankly speaking, she is not bad to me!

Back to the topic, because she(Li Ching) stood in my way to chase her(beloved 1), I paused and waited till Li Ching left. When I rushed out of the lecture hall, she disappeared in my sight. Walao ei, missed the 3rd chance!!!

The most ridiculous things are I don't know her name and her class(Y1M15 I think). The only thing I know is she is studying Business Administration.

I usually wait to meet her in front of lecture hall after my Business Information Technology and Application lecture because I know that she will be attending the next lecture for Business Statistics! So, this is the easiest way for me to meet her. How silly I am but I don't care since I juz want to see her. She is my ENERGY!





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