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Saturday, 30 March 2013


I called 991 this Thursday. It was the first time in my life to call this number.

I was riding my motorcycle to my office. It was around 8:25p.m.. When I was at Lebuhraya Codrington, the junction of Penang Island Hospital, I heard a scream that followed by a cry. I slowed down my motorcycle.

I saw somebody was lying on the road and the body was bleeding. I called it body here because I couldn't recognise whether the body is a male or female. I stopped my motorcycle by the road side and called 991 at once. 

The call was diverted to emergency unit. After I had told them the location and some other details, they passed me to the ambulance. I was fed up that time because they should have passed me to the ambulance when I said the body was bleeding. Due to this, I had to tell the ambulance the exact location again! It was just wasting our time.

Then, I walked over to have a look at the victim. She was an Indian woman but the girl crying was a Malay, so I guessed she was her daughter. Many people rolled their sleeves up to give a helping hand. Some of them moved her motorcycle to the road side while others were assisting the victim. She couldn't move, I believed there were injuries on her limbs and head. 

I didn't wait there any longer since I was still rushing to my office. I hoped she would get well soon.

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Sunday, 24 March 2013



开场后,我才了解当天的主题。不过没有关系,因为我全场笑到爆!因此我把它当成一场现场版的“栋笃笑”。主讲师是来自柔佛的Simon Pua。他的口才很好,slideshows 也不错,唯一美中不足的是时间不够,所以他就以机关枪一样的速度来呈现。可是,这并不损整场演讲的精彩度。











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