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Friday, 17 January 2014

Weekly Exercise

Yo, I went for hiking with my friend, T.H.K. just now at Ayer Itam Dam. I was not feeling good or in fact my emotion and mood were interrupted these few days. I couldn't get the motivation to work. Luckily, I still managed to close my first ever case in this year.

Thanks T.H.K. for sacrificing his hair cut time to accompany me for the hiking. After the hiking, I felt relief at once and now I'm full of energy. One of my 2014 resolutions is to get my fitness back or at least exercise once a week.

The exercise can be jogging, badminton, futsal or even the simple basics, for instance sit up and push up. My tummy is getting bigger and bigger and hence I'm so desperate to remove it! Let's see what will happen one year later after my regular exercise. 

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