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Saturday, 17 October 2009


After "The Day", I had dreamed my Princess twice in the following consecutive days. Last night, I didn't dream her but the dream was some sort related to her.

I dreamed that I received an sms from her but it was not from her ordinary handphone number. I was curious so I called her to confirm. It was a new handphone number and the person receiving the call was a boy. The boy then passed the phone to his brother. His brother was my Princess's boyfriend.

He sms me to test me. He did it! He prohibited me from contacting my Princess. Wow, I was so scared! 开玩笑, don't ever try to mortify me like this! You can't control me! In fact, I didn't contact my Princess for quite a long time already. As long as you treat my Princess well, I will bless you all! He warned me that if I contacted my Princess again, he would beat me and my Princess up. I went mad after hearing this! I applied some of my law knowledge to reply him. I told him that if he was dare enough to do it, he could find me and beat me up. Of course, I would revenge also because I was not stupid and just let him beat me. I told him if he prohibited my Princess from calling me, I would sue him under Section 16 Contracts Act of Civil Law. This section is about undue influence! And if he beat my Princess, I would sue him under criminal law!

After that, I woke up. Amazing, after "The Day", I didn't miss my Princess anymore, how come I still dreamed her? Luckily, these dreams didn't vex me! This semester really is the toughest semester. Very hectic and busy! Hopefully I can handle it!

Monday, 12 October 2009

"The Day"

Yo,万众期待的"The Day"终于来了!今天,我终于完成了"The Day"的任务!


我顺道问她,我是否该提出上诉!我很伤心,因为我令她失望了。她一直以为我能够拿4 flat,怎知如今我却辜负了她。我告诉她,我拿全部A,只是英文拿B+。Walao,我不曾在拉曼拿这样的成绩,这是有史以来,最差的成绩!我想来想去,越想越不爽,因为我的coursework拿A呀!而且,这次coursework 60%,final exam才40%而已呀!也就是说,我的final exam只拿到65分而已咯!不可能的嘛,我有这么差吗?拿A-就偷笑了!我问Princess我该不该appeal,因为我的阿姐说10个人去appeal,9.9999个会拿到一样的成绩,也就是说败诉!我不知道阿姐是对我的语文科没有信心,还是对他们lecturers太过有信心!

Princess也支持我去appeal,但是她也赞同我阿姐的看法,因为她的朋友也是这样的!她之所以支持我去appeal,是因为她知道如果我不去appeal,我的心里又会不爽!哈哈,真了解我!不过,在这之前,她问我如果我败诉会怎样?我答她说无所谓,反正影响不大!因为以目前的成绩呢,我的CGPA还有3.93,但如果我得到胜诉的话,也就是4 flat,我的CPGPA会上升到3.95。只相差0.02,也没差啦。只是,有了Princess的支持,还有为了这一口气,我决定去appeal!

过后,我就跟Princess告别了,因为我要去Red Box唱K了。我邀请她去,但是她说她下午四点半有课,我只好默默地目送进入电梯。在我去Red Box的途中,Princess sms我说我送她的礼物太透明了。哈哈,我早就警告过她了!我给她三个选择,一是多穿一件衣服或一条裤子;二是把它丢掉;三是把它当睡衣。她谢谢我送她礼物。其实你不必这么客气啦,因为这很可能是我送你最后的礼物,况且,只要你喜欢就好。

悄悄地告诉你们,在我跟Princess的见面和谈话后,我并没有依依不舍的感觉。这是否代表我已经放下了呢?还是我压抑得漂亮呢?我希望不是后者!虽然这个"The Day"跟我想象中的"The Day"有少许的不同,但是我还是相当满意的。

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