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Saturday, 26 October 2013

Budget Malaysia 2014

Budget Malaysia 2014 was announced yesterday. Well, my topic today is not about Goods and Service Tax (GST) but about the cancellation of white sugar's subsidy.

I was shocked when my dad read it out from newspaper. When I looked through the passage myself, I noticed that it was ridiculous to rank white sugar as non-necessary goods. For your information, many foods consume white sugar, for instance a coffee. 

I hope that you guys can imagine how much usage of white sugar and yet our 'respected' government stated that it is not a necessary item. They stood firmly that the act was to help the poor Malaysians to improve their health by reducing the sugar intake! 

I regard the reason as nonsense! Would you agree with me? They are even taking steps to reduce other subsidies. Let's think about it. As a country which is rich of natural resources, do you have to take steps to cut off all the subsidies? Can't we sustain ourselves? Where will the money go after cutting down the expenses? 

I can't imagine how much increment will there be in prices tomorrow. I can't see any wise solution given by the government to help the poor or improve the situation. What I can see is poor Malaysians have higher burden! Increment in household subsidy of RM150 can really help the citizens? How much can it help? I strongly believe that the trade-off is not balance!

At this moment in time, I have no comment or speechless to our government. God bless.

P/S: Please click on one of the google ads on the right after reading, thank you. 

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