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Friday, 11 December 2009


Yes, it's hell! Today, we failed to get champion!

Actually, I was quite confident to get champion after seeing our last rehearsal last night! Unfortunately, the "lagged" laptop made us pay for it! Shit!!! The slides were lagged even though I had tried to press a number of times on the air mouse! This in turn broke my ending!

I am not satisfied for ending this game as second runner-up! I think, we should be the champion but at least as a first runner-up! Hiaz, I don't want to talk much on that stupid laptop since this was over! I am sure that if the laptop was performing well, we at least would get the second place instead of third place.

Luckily Princess was not there, otherwise it would be a great disappointment! Sorry for all my supporters especially my Tailo, Melvern and my god sister! Sorry for presenting this lousy presentation and disappointing you! Anyway, thanks for your sacrifice on your nap just to accompany and support me! I promise that I will do better in the future! The best Recca is yet to come!

Thursday, 10 December 2009



正当我们正在听Shian briefing时,Princess call我了。我问她明日是否on?可是,她说她明天需要陪她的妈妈去看医生!哇,发生了什么事?我很想问她,可是她说需要去忙了!我只好嘱咐她好好照顾她的妈妈,因为妈妈比较重要。我要她别把我们的约定放在心上,因为她说她会尽量赶来!


Come on!明天就要present了,别那样嘛!很抱歉,我办不到!对不起,我尽力了!我不知道是否是由于我失望Princess不能出席,还是我忧心她的妈妈呢?我想,应该是后者吧!不管怎样,我还是会尽我的全力去present,因为我们是很有机会得到冠军的!而且,我更加需要拿冠军来安抚Princess,好让她不自责!希望明天我的激情会回来吧!不然,台上的我只是外表激情而已,内心其实不是这样的!希望我的演技骗得过评审吧!


Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Hell or Heaven

Hell or Heaven? What do I mean? Haha, I don't mean what in the Flame of Recca means! It means that there will be hell or heaven on this Friday!

For your information, this Friday will be the day for our final presentation of business game. I have invited quite a number of supporters such as my Princess, Tailo, Melvern, my god sister, her son... Those who are sure to come are my Princess and my Tailo. Thanks!

Haiz, I still think that our group's presentation is not up to my expectation, which means that we are not likely to win the first prize! If that is the case, I will disappoint my fans especially my Princess! Oh no!

However, we will do our best and I am sure that we can do it! What I hope is I can gain back the passion and enjoy the stage like my concert, then I am confident to beat Hock Kang who is the best presenter in the qualifying round!

Hell or Heaven? We shall see!

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