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Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Movement Control Order 2

Well, the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia is yet to finish after more than one year and now, our Prime Minister had announced that Malaysia is under Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0 with effect from 10th May 2021 till 6th June 2021. Will it be extended further? I'm not sure. I think it depends on how the situation goes. I hope that this lockdown period will be final in Malaysia.

Hence, what can we do during this period? Reading books again? Perhaps this will be one of my ways to spend my free time. Kenny Lian GM had whatsapped me this morning, talking about change. He mentioned that we can't say that we are still knowing nothing, don't know what to do now since it is MCO 3.0 which means that we perhaps had done some mistakes during MCO 1.0 and MCO 2.0 but now should be full of experiences. I replied him that we can change ourselves instead of the situation and circumstances.

Yes, the only thing that doesn't change in this world is 'Change' itself. I strongly believe that we should change ourselves because we are either change ourselves or we let the environment changes us! I want that everything is under my own control, hence I opt the first one, let me change myself.

Even though the pandemic is still worsening, nonetheless Super Group (SG) was still improving in their business volume last year. Thus, C.M. Loh was asking us to think what the producers and MDRT will do during this period. Will they stop or change their aims? I don't think so. I must think of my own ways too.

My job scope is finding new business or sales. Before that, I need lots of networks, either from the warmed market or cold market. From what I have doine so far, I penetrate the cold market and I feel easy with that market. Ergo, I must expand my networks by knowing new people. Then only I can have the chance of doing business and helping them as well as their families. 

My workload is simple:

Building relationship --> Foster relationship --> Make a relationship --> Maintain the relationship

So I surely must expand my network, regardless of the market. Otherwise, it'll be a nightmare to me. Let's start making changes and amendments bit by bit then I'm guaranteed will reap the benefits in the end.

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