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Saturday, 25 April 2009

It's Too Late

Today was the last day for my third semester examination. The examination paper was Finance. Finance, due to the "steam" lecturer, I used to play dumb or pay no attention during the lecture! However, this time, I didn't have enough time to make my revision since I needed to take care of my grandpa at hospital. You might argue that I could study when I was back, but for your information, I normally would be extremely tired when I was back to my home, so I needed to rest and that would be the whole day!

I just managed to finish two out of seven chapters for this paper! The rest, I just read through. However, I didn't feel as nervous as the OHR paper! Unbelievable! I saw my Princess before I entered into CA. This increased my confidence as well! I just could find a seat at the back of CA since I was too late to enter the hall! But, this was not a bad place because Princess was sitting at the left 4 back 1 seat from my seat! Therefore, I could see my Princess during the exam!

When the paper ended, as usual, I chatted with my friends. I also peered my Princess as well! I would look at the other side whenever she looked at my side. This time, I told myself, I can't be like that, I am not a coward! So, I focused my vision to Princess's seat. This time, she saw me, I pointed a "good" sign to her, she just smiled and winked! Haha, this was more than enough! From her expression, I knew that she was telling me that the paper was difficult. However to me, this paper was out of my expectation, I could tackle it with common sense but how many marks could common sense help me?

I went to school to play football because my Tailo invited me. After the football, I met Shi Jun. He told me that he met the girl whom I fell in love secretly during my primary school at his college. She also studies CAT at Central College. He said she is staying at hostel and she is still single!

You may wonder what my feeling was? Okay, I tell you now, my answer is "so what"! Yes, I admit that I loved her but this was long long time ago. After dreamming my Princess, her status had collapsed! Now, Princess is my beloved and I love Princess the most! I have come out a conclusion, maybe our fate had over! It is too late for your appearance! Sorry, I just love my Princess and I am not willing to flirt!

Thursday, 23 April 2009






奇怪了,公公说他照完胃部后就觉得好多了!大概是输完血了吧!公公面色好转了,也开始能讲话了,身体也逐渐有力气了!医生说如果是internal bleeding的话就需要动手术了!这时,有一个Bangkali的医生正在给病人逐一地检查,顺道指教一下实习医生,一位实习的女医生及一位男护士叫我先回避,因为那位Bangkali不喜欢有外人在非探病时间出现!我就走下楼去找个座位坐下!我在那儿呆了半个小时。那时,我看见一起很不争的事实!实在是非常地惭愧!我看见一个马来同胞挺孝顺的,他把他的妈妈推到路边,然后开车过来,再扶坐在轮椅上的妈妈进车。可能是老人家不能动的关系,他就很耐心地把他妈妈抱进车内!这时,交通已是一条长龙!我开始听见车鸣声!这个车鸣声是来自一辆在那马来同胞后二辆的位置,一个可以看清楚事情经过的位置!很遗憾,他还是按horn了!难道他不知道医院里是不可以按horn的吗?他的车经过我时,我发现里边的司机竟然是华人!It was so terrible, horrible, shameful and impossible!华人的面子简直就被他给丢光了!一点耐心与同情心都没有!我还发现他的Proton Wira比我家庭的车身还多了好几倍的“花纹”!真是活该!“抵死”!


晚上八点多,我们就去Pulau Tikus吃“乐乐”!过后就回家了!我们派了我妈咪去照顾公公,因为她明天请了假!回到家,我真是累透了!明天还得去照顾公公!说真的,医院里医生及护士的服务态度真是改善了许多,这真是一件值得鼓舞的事!加油吧!一整天看见医疗人员来来往往的,真是羡慕他们,我顿时泛起了想当医生的念头!


Monday, 20 April 2009


Today was the first day for the third semester examination. I didn't know why I was so anxious this morning even though I had revised the subject for three times! Anthony told me that he had this kind of anxiety as well!

When we arrived at college, we found that Princess was buying bus ticket in Bursary Office. Today, she wore red colour shirt which was same with me, we wore couple wear again! After seeing her, my anxiety was reduced a little bit. What a surprise!

When the examination started, I still felt nervous, I was nervous even after half an hour the examination started! However, what was surprising me the most was I managed to finish my paper within one hour! This was my fastest record after having 13 papers in TARc.

As usual, I looked back to search my Princess after I had handed in my paper. I pretended to chat with my friend--Kok Soo, actually I was busy searching my Princess's seat! Eventually, I found her! However, I couldn't see her smiling face, she was dull and appeared to be no mood! Normally, she would chat with her friends and smile even though the paper was difficult but these didn't happen today.

What happened to you, Princess? I am worried! Please bear in mind, I always be there to assist you! Are you sick? Worried about your result? Or others...

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