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Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Gifted 2

Today is a very important day to me because my June ACCA examination's results were announced today. Yesterday, Dr Wong called me. She asked me whether I was excited. I replied her that I was not excited but nervous. She told me that P4 Advanced Financial Management's answers had come out. I knew that but I told her that I was not so confident. Once again, she said the P4's questions were easy. I knew that too but to a candidate like me who was so nervous that time, this couldn't help. I told her that her dream might come true since the questions were really easy. She said T.H.K. and N.J.Y. told her that they had tried their best.

I checked the ACCA's results at 12p.m. sharp but I couldn't log in since the ACCA's website was heavily congested! Never mind, I logged in once again 10 minutes later since I didn't get my email yet. When I saw my results at first glance, I was pretty excited as I passed all!

Then, I looked at my marks. 68 marks for P4 Advanced Financial Management and 50 marks for P6 Advanced Taxation. These were the highest and lowest marks I had ever had in my ACCA examination. Frankly speaking, P4 was the toughest subject whereas P6 was the easiest subject. Similarly, I put the most effort in P4 but the least in P6.

As usual, many candidates posted their news on Facebook. Some of them were good news but some of them were bad ones. Anyway, congratulations to those who got what they wished and never give up to those who just couldn't make it this time, just keep on fighting and God'll give you what you deserve.

I conveyed this news to my grandmother and she was so happy. Next, I wanted to called my grandpa but he was not around. Then, I called Dr Wong. She was so surprised to know my results. She revealed that T.H.K. just achieved 62 marks. Maybe this was due to different markers had different marking styles. Unfortunately, E.S.H. couldn't make it too. He was almost accomplishing it. Anyhow, good luck and never give up. I think he can make it in December's sitting because he is so hardworking as noticed by Dr Wong. Sometimes, hard work plays a significant role in success than intelligence.

I believe that my paper was examined and checked for many times by different auditors or markers because I managed to get 50 marks for P6, what Dr Wong called 'cukup-cukup makan'. As you may know, I was extremely down and scared after the examinations because I was totally lost and losing confidence. I felt that I might fail. Luckily, God hear me and bless me. Thanks God! That's why I considered myself as gifted again. This's truly a big gift from God. I promise that I'll appreciate this gift and make the best use of it.

Other than God, those who helped me or hurt me before were the key to my success as well. I was so lucky to have dedicated, loving and caring lecturers and tutors. Whatever they sacrificed for me will I remember forever.

My friends, especially the P4's family. I miss you all. I got to know the Group 10's students due to E.S.H.. I won't forget you, E.S.H., we must keep in touch. Even though I was not the most brilliant student in P4, my friends, Group 10 to be particular liked to ask me questions. I was more than willing to answer them no matter the questions were easy or difficult. Sometimes I learned from them who were taking external tuition. In fact, we learned from each other.

Even in my revision period or so-called revision weeks, they found me on Facebook or via sms. This helped a lot. It was just like what my Luckygirl said, group discussion was good and answering people's questions helped to strengthen our understanding. I liked my P4's friends asking me questions. This urged me to think and give them a reasonable as well as convincing answer. Jennifer, L.W.S. and C.W.F. always asked me via messages on Facebook. I liked this way because this gave me time to find the answers and explanations. 

Most of the time, they asked me something in the pass year questions which I neglected after my tutorial class. They were so hardworking to redo again those questions. This helped me to refresh my memory and ran through the difficult parts again. Thank you, guys. Our friendship is forever.

On the other hand, I was upset for disappointing Mr Michael Yeo and Mr Chong. Yes, I passed P6 but it was really 'cukup-cukup makan'. This result was not acceptable. Sorry Sirs, this was my fault, I had neglected P6 at all times. 

No one would be saying 'Hey, nothing to worry, I sure pass this round.' or 'Haha, I'll get an A for sure.'. However, this were what my family thinks I can. I told them, even a good student also had 50/50 chance of passing only. We must be grateful if we can pass because there're lots of students who can't make it. 

Now, I'm an ACCA affiliate. I'll start to look for jobs now, there is no time to waste. God bless me.

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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

七龙珠系列 Dragon Ball Series

Yoyoyo, 我终于看完Dragon Ball了!从Dragon Ball到Dragon Ball GT,我想我大概花了四个月吧。

七龙珠 Dragon Ball

 这是最原始的七龙珠,它是讲述Goku小时候的故事,当然直到Goku娶了Chi Chi为止。


龙珠Z Dragon Ball Z



这位是Goten。是不是跟Goku很像呢?难道这就是所谓的“有其父必有其子”?他们父子简直就像饼印一样。Goten很可怜,Goku在Chi Chi怀了他时就去世了。他们第一次见面是在天下第一武道会上。当时Goku得到特许下凡一天。




这是在Dragon Ball GT里的Trunks。看起来温和多了。

为了打倒Majin Buu,Goku在临回地府前教了Goten和Trunks融合。

这个就是Goten和Trunks融合之后的Gotenks。他们甚至可以把力量提升至超级赛亚人3。很可惜,他们最终还是被Majin Buu吸收了。因此,Vegeta和Goku破天荒的第一次合体。




这是在Dragon Ball GT里,入学之后的Pan。她很任性,也很渴望谈恋爱,可是当男生看见她那敏捷的身手时无不吓跑!

我觉得从这首歌开始的Dragon Ball Z才好看。

龙珠-改 Dragon Ball Kai

这是简短版本的Dragon Ball Z。我倒觉得这辑好看得多了。省略了很多闷骚的部分,graphic也比较好看。可惜,它只播到Goku变成超级赛亚人打倒Frieza之后而已。

龙珠GT Dragon Ball GT







有人说Dragon Ball Z最好看,也有人说Dragon Ball GT最经典!其实,对我而言,每一辑都经典,每一辑都好看。它们代表着不同阶段的Goku。最令我欣赏的是Goku那不屈不挠的精神、乐观、傻乎乎的性格。当然少不了Dragon Ball GT片头曲里的歌词“虽然有时我也会想就此转身离去,但我会用爱、勇气和自豪,堂堂正正地决斗”!

在Dragon Ball GT里,当Goku顺利变成超级赛亚人4时,他动不动就变超4,而不像以前那样从超级赛亚人变至超2、超3。而且开始无厘头起来。以前力量还没有那么强时,可以一拳将敌人打到三四栋楼倒塌,但是现在力量大大加强了,效果还是一样。



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