Surprise? Why I had this kind of helmet? Well, this is not my own helmet, it belongs to one of my good friends in my office, a technician, named Shen. He said a customer gave him this. I found it cute and curious on it, so I tried to wear this helmet in his car after having our lunch.

See this water bottle! What is so special about it? Haha, it was me to change it. Don't think it is a pretty easy thing to change a new one. This was my first time to change the water bottle. Initially, I was so naive that I thought it would be easy for me to have it a change. However, I was regret thinking like this, as it was really pretty heavy! I didn't know whether it was me didn't have enough energy or my energy was not recovered yet since I just played badminton with aL for two hours last night.
Oh ya, tell you all one thing. I had just finished my second assignment given by my boss. It's about costing and overheads. Even if it was my first time to do this task, I found it extremely challenging and satisfying! Now, I'm waiting for the third challenge.
My Princess posted a status on Facebook this afternoon. It sounded like this ‘一个被伤害过的人是不可能忘记那段痛苦的回忆!只是不再执着~’. Erm, I strongly support this statement. Nonetheless, this cannot reflect on my love as I have never been hurt by others before. If you think so, think again, I hurt myself or they hurt me?
Before I forget, I want to declare here that my dad loses his job once again! Oh my God, this year is really a tough year for my family. Financial difficulties truly harm people a lot! I still remember that I told some friends about my dad's loss of employment. I told them that I was a bankruptcy and I needed money. Majority of them thought and said that I was a 'money face'. Haha, it's okay. To me, they were just not understanding the real situation and the true difficulties.
Anyway, tomorrow will hang out with my grandpa, hopefully it's a sunny day.
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