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Sunday 5 October 2008


Sorry to all supporters,long time didn't update my blog,really sorry for that.Actually I had written a blog on September,it is about politics but my lovely grandpa worried about my safety,so he asked me to delete it.He worried that I could be caught under ISA.

After the final exam,I had a sem break.It was about 2 weeks but if we subtracted the holidays for Hari Raya,it was just about 1 week time.Haiz,before the sem break,I am looking forward to it,this might because i was busying and frustrating to prepare for my final exam.The exam was not as difficult as I thought but it was quite challenging.However I believed that I could handle it.I just worried about my Business Information and Technology, Hubungan Etnik and Microeconomics,others still OK.After half year not in the exam mood or took any exam,I felt pretty nervous on the 1st day of the exam,so I didn't performed well.This annoyed me!For your information,I am not competing with people but with marks to maintain my scholarship.I want to maintain at least 3.85 for my CGPA so that I can continue my full scholarship for my advanced diploma.

After the exam,I started to carry out my plan to make my sem break more exciting.I play basketball with friends almost everyday because I want to be taller and stronger.After I met my Princess,I suddenly felt like I was not tall enough so I decided to play basketball to grow taller.Even though basketball is not my favourite since I cannot score but now I like it as I can score and because of the motivation to be taller so that I can be taller than my Princess.My Princess is a very tall girl,she is not shorter nor taller than me.So I have to be taller so that we can be a perfect match!

My second plan is to buy me a present for the effort that I had paid for the exam.I bought myself an analog watch in night market.During that day,my cousin came back from KL together with her bf,Jeff.So I fetched them to the night market as well.

我的第三计划就是去观音亭烧香,I made it。在我还未去拜拜时,全身都不舒服,好像还有什么东东还未办。拜完后,全身都松了!本来还要去海边吹风的,但最后因为我还要去我最疼爱的外公那儿,所以就cancel了。

第四个计划就是去打羽毛球。So long time didn't play already,so my hand quite itchy,but I also played once with Jin Siang and Tet Hien。我们因为三缺一,所以就打single,我发现我的体能增强了,因为打完球后,非但没有气喘,而且还可以说笑。

第五个计划则是去清观寺,也就是所谓的千二层去酬谢九皇大帝。原因为我去年曾求过他们保佑我考取好成绩,如今实现了,就要遵守诺言去拜谢神恩。可是这次的路程却没有去年的“爽”。事关去年是大好天气,还有一位相当够资格当我女朋友的女生。不过,这回却是下雨天。还好,这雨是在我上到山顶时才下的,不然就既扫兴,又难逃落汤鸡一劫了!今年的香钱起价了,从原本的RM3起到RM4。在清观寺,I saw many couples。我也遇见ex-Bomba members--Chew Kok Wei and his brother,Chew Kok Jin with his gf。另外我到清观寺的原因还有搜寻妖怪的行踪。Deng Deng Deng Deng!感兴趣了吧!







这就是我的假期计划,虽然美中不足,不能全部完成,不过也相当满意了!明天又要开课了,不知又会有什么挑战,不过我整个人都refresh了,简直就像全新的人一样。I am ready!

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