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Thursday 22 September 2011


I just read a hypnosis report. For your information, I'm currently indulging in hypnosis other than magics. This was the second report which specifically mentioned on the experience and lesson of some case studies. 

These two reports showed me the evidence where one famous hypnotist of United Kingdom successfully hypnotised two Olympics athletes to overcome their nervous and limitations and finally managed to break the Olympics record. 

This made me feeling the same thing. I used to surpass my own limitations and I managed to create some records. However, this kind of motivation started to shrink and it is 'zero' now. I lost the 'oomph' to continue study or outperform myself after S.P.M.. This might be due to S.P.M. was my ultimate target and once I had outperformed it, I lost the motivation and target. I no longer want to fight for results. 

Now I recall back, I think, I managed to hypnotise myself last time. This is because according to my standard, I wouldn't be able to get such results. After getting the results, I already pinpointed that as my ultimate limit. Thereupon, I just maintain my normal standard and sometimes I was even below my par level. Where am 'I' now? 

Hence, I want to forget about my limit. I want to keep breaking my own records and create new ones. My life shouldn't stop at this stage. There are still many adventures and targets waiting for me. I shouldn't ignore them. Alright, from now onwards, I will forget about my past. I won't set a limit for myself anymore. Indeed, potential should be unpredictable and without limit!

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