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Sunday 4 April 2010

Da Ma Cai

I believe that most of you know that what is Da Ma Cai. It is a lottery company. Then, why I want to write about Da Ma Cai in my blog since I am still underage?

Yesterday, my uncle and auntie came to Penang from Kuala Lumpur for Cheng Beng. However, they didn't drive their car, instead they came here by bus. I had no notice of this and what a coincidence, my mom was driving to work yesterday! Therefore, I couldn't fetch them at bus station.

Luckily, there was lunch break for my mom. So she took them to the nearby supermarket, Sunshine Square. My uncle called me just to ask me accompany them there. I went there with my youngest sister.

For your information, my uncle was addicted to these lotteries long time ago. He kept asking the workers there for the location of Da Ma Cai, Toto and Magnum 4D. Nevertheless, all the Malay workers said they didn't know. Lastly, he asked a Chinese who was directing cars to parking lots.

I don't intend to promote this kind of 'luck game' but I just want to share something with you. When we were in the Da Ma Cai centre, I found a pretty interesting slogan. It sounded like this, 'Don't worry, be happy. Tomorrow, take money'. I found this very funny and it impressed me so much!

At night, after our dinner, we checked the 4D. He won few prizes, how lucky he was! Congratulation! He said, with these prizes, all the fares and expenses for this trip was free or sponsored by Toto. Haha...

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